Through divine inspiration Church Music Network came into existence with a deep passion to recreating true and sincere reverence to God in praise and worship in respect to church music.
Church Music Network is an open, life-long Christian music learning organisation with involvement from aged 6 – 45. We are committed to enabling singing, encouraging choirs, nurturing skills and developing talents.
Enabling the best use of music in worship, church life, and the community, our organisation believes in providing children and young people with rewarding singing experiences both onstage and beyond concert walls. Our activities focus on the provision of positive life experiences which allow them to move forward into adulthood as competent and confident musicians. Redefining church music.
We have
- Over 1000 active members and affiliates, and over 100 supporting friends
- Encouraged by volunteers all around the country.
- And supported by a central staff.
Regionally, through the work of our staff and volunteers, we facilitate
- Concerts, festivals and other special events
- local courses, summer schools, workshops and training days
- singing award schemes
In partnership with others
- consulting with schools and churches nationally and locally
- collaborating with other schools, colleges, church music and educational organizations
CMN’s mission is to enable the best use of music in Christian worship, church life, Schools and in the community. CMN was inaugurated to bring back worship to its original place, creating a heart to heart touch with God in church worship sessions and to foremost break the adulterated act of religious singing.
Redefining Church Music
Our objectives are to
· Identify skills and creativity for the kingdom.
· to capture young and old minds who will use their musical gifting to the glory of God
· encourage bonding, team work and oneness in the gospel family
· to increase the Spirit of participation and support in Christian music programmes, concerts, conferences, seminars, outreaches, soul winning that impact lives
To support Churches, Schools, Choirs and individual through
- practical music education and training
- music and training resources
- preparation for performance at concerts, festivals and events
- guidance, information and advice
To serve the community by
- encouraging good music through fostering outreach from the church into the community
· providing training in essential skills for schools and churches
- encouraging good music-making and singing
- creating understanding of music in the church and worship
- encouraging young people in singing
How does the CMN deliver its work and programmes?
Professionally, through our core programmes
- Music Academy: as a student of the academy you will be challenged, motivated, inspired and prepared for a sound career in music. This is a comprehensive training programme and course for all ages and abilities.
- Schools and Churches music consultancy: Sound performance is the major driving force of what we do.
- Skills of the Church musician: we have an unbeatable reputable in training musicians.
- Divine Music Studies, an educational programme to develop real understanding of music in worship
- An Hour with the father, a quarterly based worship session to God
- Young voices festival, festival of vocal music and Art for high school & all young voices
- Hit the Heavens, an inter-denominational worship session exhibiting the essence and celebrating the reason behind His coming and His faithfulness for the salvation of mankind.
- CMN gospel music award night, Stars on parade
- CMN National Church choir conference.
- our training choirs, the CMN Worship Singers
- our short residential courses
Our publications
- Yearly magazine.
- Our quarterly guide to choosing music for worship.
- CMN Press, publishing music and training resources
- Members’ Handbook
- CMN Radio staion,24hours live worship session and gospel music ( in view)
How are we funded?
Our principal sources of income are
- subscriptions from affiliates, individual members and friends
- courses, publications and sales of music
- donations and legacies
- funds raised by our volunteers and members
We also seek grants for development and new projects
How can you help the CMN to do more?
- by becoming an affiliate (open to any church, school or group), individual member or friend
- by encouraging other churches, schools, groups, and individuals to join us
- by making a donation
- by remembering the CMN in your will
Founded by Olanrewaju Oyeneye in 2005, CMN’s work is far broader and more diverse. It offers models of good practice, provides programmes and resources that can be adapted to local circumstances, and supports the work of local churches and schools through its voluntary committees.
CMN affirms the continuation of the great tradition of church music in churches, chapels and schools. CMN also seeks to enable each worshipping community to discover good music appropriate to its needs. CMN aims for high standards in all it does, from the simplest singing or playing in a small church or community to the most advanced music activity.